
Protecting Vulnerable Communities from Rising Sea Levels

Head Chair: Sodo Sodtuya

Vice Chair: Chenyue Zhou

Addressing the Challenges of an Aging Population             

Head Chair: Tyler Brody

Vice Chair: Bennett Xu

Effects of Urbanization on Wildlife            

Head Chair: Gidget Smith

Vice Chair: Gianna Kim

Combating Terrorism Financing in Africa

Head Chair: Cameron Weng

Vice Chair: Amber Chui


Genetic Data Privacy            

Head Chair: Dory Ding

Vice Chair: Pak Hon Li


Combatting the Globalization of Cyber Crime

Head Chair: Silas Whiteson

Vice Chair: Kasra Sarafian

Combating Gender Bias in Medical Research and Healthcare Access

Head Chair: Shuba Senthilkumar

Vice Chair: Carmel Tebyani

Harry Potter: First Order of the Phoenix

Head Chair: Bruno Rodriguez Diaz
Vice Chair: Govind Kanchi
Crisis Manager: Sarina Rabiee
Crisis Staff: Katherine Yu, Brian Lantz, Ryan Shahbaba

The Election of 1968

Head Chair: Joshua Hsi
Vice Chair: Ryan Delpassand
Crisis Manager: Rustin Jafarkhani
Crisis Staff: Kerry Zhang, Benny Tsabba

About Position Papers

Position Papers are due by March 15th at 11:59 PM to the submission form attached below.
Position Papers are required for Best Delegate Consideration